Are you having problems locating your business assets?

PATtest4U are able to help you! Whilst performing routine Portable Appliance Testing, PATtest4U will allocate a unique asset tracking number to each of your portable electrical appliances and apply suitable bar-coded tracking labels.

At PATtest4U we understand the importance of keeping track of all your business assets. We can help you implement an asset tracking system that will monitor all your portable appliances. The system provides you with information on the number of portable electrical appliances you have, their locations and their test status. You are able to search by location, asset number or test date to locate a particular portable appliance.

When PATtest4U perform scheduled retests we will be able to identify missing and moved portable appliances. This will help you keep track of valuable assets with minimal effort and disruption to your normal business operations.

This is achievable by allocating a unique asset barcode to all your portable appliances. Using this unique asset number you will be able to instantly retrieve the full portable appliance testing history of any appliance.

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